Please click here to see your Advanced Care Directive (ACD) Info and Preparation Pack.
Dr Tom Hilliar, Dr Danielle Ward, Dr Alison Crofts, Dr Nicole Power, Dr Rhys Holyoak and Dr Jodi Osborn are committed to providing the best possible care for all patients. Please see their personal business websites for more information.
Our nurses and GP Registrar Doctors in Kiama recognise the value of advanced care planning in supporting patients to achieve the best possible outcome for their health. We recommend that all patients always have an Advanced Care Directive in place with their GP.
To arrange a consultation regarding your advanced care directive or to discuss any other concerns please book an appointment with your doctor by booking online.
Having an Advanced Care Directives or ACD allows you to have more control over how doctors provide care for you if you become dangerously unwell. This helps stop doctors from providing care that you don’t want and also helps protect families or friends from having to make difficult and sometimes frightening decisions on your behalf. Sometimes when people don’t have an ACD these decisions can have damaging effects on families or siblings or friends when there is conflict about what is best for you when you are unwell. This is why our nursing and GP Registrar Doctor team support patients in preparing and sharing these with their family. We can also help have these difficult discussions with you and your family.